Markus Butkereit
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Left hand pieces
Left hand pieces
Release date/ Marz 2013
Format/ 19 x 19 cm
Features/ color, hardcover,
80 pages, handmade, thread stitching, digital print
Language/ english
Prints/ cover: Louise Drubigny
Edition/ 30 + 2 A.P., all numbered and signed
Price/ 40€ + shipping
"...I counted the tanks, There were 18 of them.
18 beautiful tanks. All with a gorgeous bitumen
surfaces. Glorious, plain, and mostly smooth as
glass. After being there a second time, i decided
to cover all these tanks with my notes. Who knows
when i would find such a wonderful place again..."
"...At first i found myself creeping into old writing
habits. Trying to shake off and loosen these habits
didn´t seem to work too well so i started to work
faster and faster. I tried to trick my own
subconscious. I had to make sure i was always one
step ahead, acting so quickly that my subconscious
could not keep up.
I tried to be faster than lucky luke!..."
Picasso talking about graffiti/ From Brassaí
Tuesday, July 10, 1945
"...Picasso: laughing. Yes, of course. The fact that
you have to leave it there, abandoned to its fate.
Graffiti belong to everyone and no one. But one day,
why don´t we take a walk together, me with a penknife
and you with your camera? I could make scratches on
the walls and you could photograph my graffiti.
Me: You´ve never had occasion to carve on a wall?
Picasso: Yes, i have too. I left a large number of
carvings on the walls of the Butte Montmartre. One day
in Paris i was waiting in a bank. It was being renovated.
So, between the scaffholding, on a section of condemned
wall, i put a graffito. By the time the construction work
was completed, it had disappeared. A few years later,
because of a modification os some sort, my graffito
reappeared. People found it odd and learnt it was Picasso.
The Bank director stopped the construction work, had my
carving cut out as a fresco with all the wall surrounding
it, and inlayed it the wall of his apartment. I´d be happy
if you could photograph it one day...."